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You have reached this page in error because you have likely created an A record where you should have created a CNAME! Please check the dns entries that you have made for your site and try again. Base domains should be an A record. The WWW subdomain should be a CNAME record pointing to your incubation domain.
Threads of the last 24 hours. Dear visitor, welcome to Bitefight. If this is your first visit here, please read the Help. It explains in detail how this page works. To use all features of this page, you should consider registering. Please use the registration form. To register here or read more information. If you are already registered, please login here.
You have to point only www-less. Must be pointed to your hosting provider. If you already made this change and still see this message wait until your DNS updates. DNS setup for Google Sites. We are not controlling their servers and unable to help in this case.
Appearances, DVDs, and everything regarding Jerry and the Gang. Mr Kruger - Seinfeld Actor . New Members are encouraged to Post, tell us where you found out about Seinology, and be welcomed by our Seinfeld Community.
Please contact your service provider for more details.